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Rocket science

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A rocket in its simplest form is a cylinder full of inflammable material, projected through the air for signalling / carrying a line to a ship in distress.
A good example is a balloon, Air in a balloon is compressed by the balloon's elastic walls, when the nozzle is released, the air escapes through it and the balloon is propelled in the opposite direction.
With space rockets, the gas is produced by burining Propellants what can be a combination of solid and liquid or in single form.
The science of rocketry began with an english scientist Sir Isaac Newton in 1687, Newton stated three important scientific principles that govern the motion of all objects , weigther on earth or in space.

- Objects at rest will stay at rest and objects in motion will stay in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

- Force is equal to mass (X) times acceleration.

-For every action there is always an opposite and equal reaction.
last updated:06/04/15
total views:356Svglogos com MTQzMTA2NTA5ODI
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